How can we as Christians EVER influence anything if all we do is run from the big bad boggy man? The bible tells us that one day everyone will laugh at satan and see him for what he is. Literally we need to go into the enemy territory and show people Jesus! That means have Christian music when the kids come to your door, smile and share Jesus with them don't tell them there going to hell for "worshiping satan" which I have seen before. Be a light smile and tell them Jesus loves them. Seriously why do we feel we have to lock ourselves in the church on Halloween are we that afraid do we doubt the power (that is funny being Pentecostals) of Jesus? I mean what is the worst that can happen? I have been dead once that really does not scare or bother me everything else makes me mad.
The bible says to be in the world not of it and we are the light of the world and the salt. That means you are to show Jesus and to get in there face with it if need be. To compel them to come to Christ. The bible says I have become all things to all men that some might be saved so yes we are to look like them but you are to reflect Jesus while doing it. I have seen it, they look at you and think what is it they have and I don't? Think what you are doing when you glorify Jesus when you brighten the day of the little kids that come to your door, you are punching the devil in the eye taking what he meant for evil and using it for good. You are also leaving a impression that little one and parent might think back on and say these Christians arnt so bad instead of the usual stereotype of Christian only want to be somber and destroy our fun.