About Me

Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, Founding Pastor of For This Time Ministries, I am married and minister in Hawaii. God is Good and I am busy.:)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Letter to Rick Joyner

This is a letter I wrote to Rick Joyner, I heard that Todd Bentley was leading a Healing service at Morning star and it worries me for many reasons, I supported him before his fall last year and I am praying for his recovery:

Dear Pastor Joyner

I am writing because I am disturbed at the idea of Todd Bentley being allowed to host a Healing School at Morning Star.
While I believe that Todd is called by God for ministry, I feel due to moral failures he is not in a position to be in active ministry for Christ until he has been healed and restored. I see on the site that it is mentioned he is under restoration, yet he is being allowed to impart and pray for people. I am assuming you are allowing him to lay hands on the people. How can he cast out what he is afflicted with?

I am not second guessing what you are doing with his care I feel this is moving way to fast. He lied to the body of Christ, he committed adultery and then remarried, he has given a huge black eye to the body of Christ and I ask you seriously, is he ready to go back out and not fall again? He and you are under tremendous scrutiny for this situation and I really want him to be restored and used by Jesus but until he can be trusted again and he is restored fully should he be released to minister again? How many will fall next time? I really respect your ministry, your teachings have a tremendous impact in my life and I want to protect it also. As I said I am not being critical just concerned. Thank you for your time.

In Jesus

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I am sitting here getting ready for bed. I am contemplating just how thankful I am for all that God has done in my life. I have a great job, I am comfortable for finances enough so that I am able to bless the church I go to. I have my Mother and other Family. Take some time and think of all that you have and give thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

Bishop J. Plant

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brownsville revisted

I was on the web and I found this link to Hanks take on the revival now.

Brownsville Revival Revisited in 2009


I noticed in the news recently that over the Memorial Day weekend the Brownsville Revival leaders have reunited in Pensacola, FL. They’re celebrating what was supposedly one of the greatest and longest lasting Pentecostal revivals in history. It was called the Pensacola Outpouring and the leaders are reuniting to “remember, refresh and re-fire."[1]

I think it’s interesting to look back from the perspective of history as well, because there’s not a lot to remember. John Kilpatrick, who was the pastor of the Brownsville Assembly of God, said that “millions, millions, millions, millions, millions” would come to faith in Christ as a result of the revival.[2] Steven Hill. who was the evangelist that started the revival once prophesised that the Senate would be ablaze for God.[3]

All the while in the Brownsville Assembly of God, they had people aping the practices of pagan spirituality. One of the most bizarre manifestations I witnessed in that particular scene was in the sanctuary as I watched in horror as women in the choir began to jerk her head spasmodically from side to side. An hour went by, then another. All the while the shaking continued unabated as intermittently she bent spasmodically at the waist. A church member, noting the look of concern on my face, quickly attempted to assure me that this woman was merely under the influence of the “Holy Ghost.” When I asked if she was certain it was the Holy Ghost, she seemed incredulous. “What else could it be?” she snapped. “We’re in church, aren’t we?’ She went on to report that this woman had been shaking wildly in the sanctuary for more than a year and a half. What was once practiced only in the cults is now present in our churches.

What heightens the danger is that Christians do not expect a counterfeit in church. While virtually the same methods employed in cultic communes can now be experienced in Christian churches there is a difference. At the altars of Pensacola the practices were cloaked in Christian terminology and were attributed to the Holy Spirit. Pensacola practices such as jerking spasmodically, laughing uncontrollably, falling backward into trancelike states were conspicuous by their absence in the ministry of Jesus and the apostles. In fact, Peter warned them to be wary of such pagan practices, he said to be “clear minded and self controlled.” (1 Peter 4:7).

My concern for the women who was shaking spasmodically and many others like her prompted me to plead with Pensacola pastor John Kilpatrick to consider the physical and spiritual consequences. He did acknowledge that women I identified in his church “shakes like she has palsy” but then defiantly paraded her across his platform as a trophy of the “Pensacola Outpouring.” He then shouted, “If you don’t want your head to start shaking…come here a minute, girl. Come down here a minute. Hurry up. Hurry up. If you [referring to me] don’t want your head to do like this, you better lay your mouth off her.”[4] Of course this is the same person that predicted that in 90 days I would be dead.[5] As I previously mentioned, Stephen Hill made all kinds of dogmatic declarations from the platform, he said that “congressmen are weeping under the power of God”[6] but never provided a shred of evidence to support his claim.

Well, I suppose as we look back fifteen years, this is at best an unrealized fantasy. The problem in all of this and the reason for brining it up is that millions are looking on in amazement and dismissing Christianity as little more than a succession of hoaxes. They’re thinking: if Christians are willing to embrace current mythology, they must be just a prone to embracing mythology that’s 2000 years old. When Christian standards have more in the common with The National Enquirer than The New Testament, it’s time to examine ourselves all over again. When selling and sensationalism become more tantalizing than truth, the very foundation of our faith is compromised. Blaise Pascal was right when he wrote in his Pensees “Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established, that unless we love truth, we cannot know it.”

Again the revival has come and gone and now their celebrating it fifteen years later, but the truth of the matter is revival didn’t happen. In fact for revival to take place in the culture, for the senate to truly be ablaze with the power of God, reformation has to take place in the church, so that revival can take place in the land. Unless we get back to basics we’re not going to see revival. Unless we find the book of the law like Josiah and adhere to its words, embrace the glory of the gospel of grace, become ambassadors for Christ and not secret agents, and understand the difference between genuine and counterfeit revival, we are resigned to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Well Hank you are majorly mistaken! Lets have a look!

First there were millions of people impacted for Christ! I know in my life I was radically changed and Jesus started me in my ministry there. Your attitude is terrible you are a spoiled petulant child that is bitter God did not use him for this! There was no pagen anything there it was God.

Now lets look at the fruit! I have been all around the world and I have seen a difference between this "revival" and your impact. 1. I see churches and ministers and evangelists in the fields and touching people bringing them to Jesus. 2. Where your material is I see division and hatred and bitterness judgementalism. You tell me what is God and what is pagan?

"Again the revival has come and gone and now their celebrating it fifteen years later, but the truth of the matter is revival didn’t happen." You have proved yourself time and again a liar and a bitter person who spreads lies and twists the truth lets see oh yes that fits one person in the bible Lucifer. So tell me why I should listen to the father of lies? You have to be blind not to see the revival did not happen it is all around you. You who founded you "ministry" on tearing down is a sad thing from Walter Martin and what he tried to accomplish you are a joke and a disgrace.

Bishop Jackson Plant

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

where god places you

Last week in the sermon of my Pastor, Bishop Matthew Ellis, made a profound teaching that I want to share. God will not pull you out of a body you are in if you are not needed where you are going. For instance, a body has 2 eyes he would not send another eye, in addition he will let you know where you are going, I know in my case God showed me where and what I was to do. Finally if you leave and go where you are not supposed to be you risk rejection and you have to get to be with a body a organ can not live long out of the body. God bless.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Halloween is coming

How can we as Christians EVER influence anything if all we do is run from the big bad boggy man? The bible tells us that one day everyone will laugh at satan and see him for what he is. Literally we need to go into the enemy territory and show people Jesus! That means have Christian music when the kids come to your door, smile and share Jesus with them don't tell them there going to hell for "worshiping satan" which I have seen before. Be a light smile and tell them Jesus loves them. Seriously why do we feel we have to lock ourselves in the church on Halloween are we that afraid do we doubt the power (that is funny being Pentecostals) of Jesus? I mean what is the worst that can happen? I have been dead once that really does not scare or bother me everything else makes me mad.
The bible says to be in the world not of it and we are the light of the world and the salt. That means you are to show Jesus and to get in there face with it if need be. To compel them to come to Christ. The bible says I have become all things to all men that some might be saved so yes we are to look like them but you are to reflect Jesus while doing it. I have seen it, they look at you and think what is it they have and I don't? Think what you are doing when you glorify Jesus when you brighten the day of the little kids that come to your door, you are punching the devil in the eye taking what he meant for evil and using it for good. You are also leaving a impression that little one and parent might think back on and say these Christians arnt so bad instead of the usual stereotype of Christian only want to be somber and destroy our fun.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Freedom is a great thing. But what happens when you have a situation where you have total freedom with out controls then what do you have chaos. In the beginning there was chaos and God spoke to it and created everything. Total freedom with out oversight is casting off all restraint. God is a God of order not disorder. If you catch yourself talking how you do not want to be part of this church or group because they do not have freedom or it is because you do not want the restraint and oversight? Casting off all restraint is rebellion which is witchcraft. It is funny religion is a bondage well so it total freedom. We need God to be in the middle to moderate. Amen.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am not ashamed

I had a situation the other day where I was asked my opinion on something. Well I was not for it and the attack that I had on the web you would have thought I was a criminal:). Well Jesus said not to be amazed that the world hates us for they hated him first. I know it was God since I did not answer with what I thought but what the word of God said and I was a hater and evil he he. This says it:
I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy Spirit power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of Christ. I will not look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I am finished and done with low living, sight-walking, small planning, colorless dreams, tame visions, worldly talking, chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions or popularity. I do not need to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer, and labor by power.My face is set, my gait is fast, and my goal is heaven. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot by bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face or sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won’t give up, shut up, let up or slow up until I have preached up, prayed up, paid up, stored up and stayed up for the cause of Christ.I am a disciple of Christ. I will go until He comes, give until I drop, preach all I know and work until He stops me. And when He comes, He comes to claim His own. He will have no problem recognizing me for my colors are clear. I AM A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Its the follow thru

No matter what you do for God good intentions are not enough. Growing up I played a lot of golf. Well I learned one thing and that is to play correctly you have to keep your eye on the ball and then follow through. Too many in the body of Christ start fast but stop too soon as soon as the going got tough. We are admonished to run the race and finish. Back to Golf, if you pull your head up or do not follow through you will pull the ball or lose it and be out of the game. Keep you eye on the ball and remember to follow through. See you at the 19th hole.:)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

through the storm

Today was a great day at church. Pastor gave a great word on being adrift on the sea and that is the wrong time to cut bait and run. Well God showed me something as I was praying for people. If you are going through a dark storm and you can not see the stars or the sea, grab the hem of Jesus garment and he will guide you though it.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

He hid me

Through out our walk there are times where we feel, I don't know I guess lost and invisible. Why am I not being used? Well there are 3 reasons.
1. God is preparing you for something. As a weapon or tool you need to be crafted, smoothed, polished and sharpened. This take a while and during this time while you go through this there is another process:
2. God is protecting you. As you are prepared you are taken and protected so nothing can happen to you where you might be damaged or destroyed and can not be used.
3. Till the time that you will be projected to do what God has prepared and called you to do. Just as you do not send a soldier out with out training and a sportsman with out training and preparation God does not send you out without preparation and seasoning.
Remember we all go through this, remember that Jesus went thru the desert before he was allowed to go out into his ministry.
In Jesus
Pastor Jackson Plant

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Day

This is a new season we are in. Things are moving in a new way, opportunities are opening in new ways. In the church I attend City of Refuge, Pastor Jennifer the CO Pastor is now Senior Pastor at a church in WV. Then out of the blue I am now in the praise and worship band as the lead guitar player. Also a quick testimony, we had a fund raising to help Pastor Kevin Smith deal with some of the expenses he accrued with the sickness of his wife Pastor Renee. Well I felt God tell me to give $1000. I did and did not think anymore about it. Well 2 days later I noticed when I was payed I had not spent as much as I thought so I was able to put the check in my savings. Long story short, with in 2 days God doubled the amount I originally had in savings before the donation. God is good. Bottom line God is moving in new ways and we all need to be ready.
God bless

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This last week has been tough, I lost alot of childhood and growing up idols. I really did not think that Michael Jacksons death would bother me. I was wrong. I started thinking of the times in college when I first heard Thriller and growing up watching the Jackson 5 and the cartoon. The man is gone let the accusations go also and remember the good he did and that he has 3 children that he left and not hurt them too.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hard day

The writing of this finds me in a emotional quandry. In the last 2 days I have lost my Great Aunt, plus 2 icons of my youth. It makes me feel real old. Farrah Fawcett was one of my first crushes. That poster and seeing her on the tv at 13 on up. Then MJ who I remember listing too as the Jackson 5 as a kid then following him take off and put out Thriller and everything changed. I am shocked and a loss for words for now. I pray they knew Jesus and he knew them.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day I take the time to think of all my friends that I have met and lost in the last 20 years in the Navy. I also take time to honor all the martyrs that have gone on. They deserve our honor also. Freedom is never free! Also we need to remember the greatest sacrifice of all, Jesus who gave all for us. All gave some but some gave all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Start

New year gives us a great chance to start new. We say good bye to last year and with hope we look for the new one. As a Christian we have that chance all the time, every day you can look forward to what new things God has for you and you can say goodbye to the old life. I see so many who want to keep wallowing in the old way they were. I have tried that and I like the new life better. God bless till next time.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

As a new year is hear I want to thank everyone who I know and ask God to bless them.

God bless and Happy New Year.


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