About Me

Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, Founding Pastor of For This Time Ministries, I am married and minister in Hawaii. God is Good and I am busy.:)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time is short are you ready?

I am sitting here enjoying another snow day and I am watching the news.  I notice there is a lot going on.  Iran just sent two ships into the Med and the world is buzzing.  Libya is in turmoil, Egypt and it seems all the rest of the middle east.  Do not be deceived the Muslim doctrine is to establish a Caliph that is world wide. They are not friends!  Thankfully most Muslims do not study the full writings.
Muslim Brotherhood created CAIR which is dedicated to infiltrating and setting up the North American Caliphate by 2050.
There is stirring in the atmosphere. Time is really short now.  I keep hearing shout it from the roof tops the war is beginning and everyone is watching and not preparing.
Pray be ready.  LOOK AT THE SIGNS!  Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in divers places. Hello we are there.  Please not only get right but spread the word.  Tell the people arm for battle.
So after looking at what the bible says are you ready?  There is still some time but not much there is nothing left to fulfill in prophesy.  Jesus will come as a thief in the night but those who see the signs will know that it is close.
In Jesus

Bishop Jackson Plant

http://www.jihadwatch.org/ I recommend you looking at this sight it is very informative.