About Me

Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, Founding Pastor of For This Time Ministries, I am married and minister in Hawaii. God is Good and I am busy.:)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New season

I can not believe it, May of 2001 I was appointed as a Exhorter. I had a person come to me a few months prior tell me that I would be a Bishop. I had no idea what that was. Ever since I prayed and studied and now, well tomorrow to be exact I am being Ordained as a Bishop. It has been official since the 2nd of Feb but I waited till now to officially mention it. I was asked to speak for a friend and I share the stage with 2 other and then it hit me. This is for real. This is more than a title or rank it is responsibility. I pray that I can live up to it. God bless


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How close

Sitting here watching the tv I see that today a earthquake was felt in Chicago. Over the last few weeks we have seen Haiti, California, other areas. We have 50 inches of snow, flooding down south. What is happening, Iran saber rattling. Jesus said that there will come a time where the people will be so scared that their hearts will stop for fear. But he also said look up your redemption drawn near. We are very close but there is still a little time left so lets try to take as many to heaven with us.
God bless
Bishop Jackson Plant