About Me

Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, Founding Pastor of For This Time Ministries, I am married and minister in Hawaii. God is Good and I am busy.:)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Reason for the season

I was walking through the mall the other day and it struck me that the carols were playing earlier than ever.  It reminded me of when I was in Japan and Christmas was a time to sell things no one knew what the Jesus Christ that Christmas was named after was about, well if they knew they did not think about it.  It really is clear when you take that plus the Smithsonian exhibit where Jesus covered with ants and all kind of other disgusting things at Christmas time that America has really forgotten about what the day really means.  The country is lost, we need to pray and to remind the people that Jesus is the reason for the season that without Jesus we are lost.  It is relationship, go out and explain what Christmas is that a poor boy born in a manger would grow up to be the most powerful King EVER and we are his friends and they can be also forever!  Jesus is the reason...for the season.  God bless and talk to you again soon.

Bishop Jackson Plant