This is a hard blog for me to write it is hard to say goodby, but let me regress a little. Back to 2006 when I was a Pastor in Odenton, MD. We were getting ready to hold a Heavens Gate Hells Flames production when one of our young Pastors came up to me and introduced me to his girlfriend. He said her name is Debbie and she is a Redskins Cheerleader. I noticed how pretty she was and very friendly. I found out that she was working at Pepsico as a financial executive. I was floored here was this young lady and so smart she had her JD, was working on a MBA and obviously knew what she wanted in life. She had all the material and Spiritual success. I could see in her actions and life she loved Jesus. Debbie eventually decided to follow her dream she had modeled, and decided to move to Las Vegas to dance. I followed her on Facebook and myspace. Just a couple of months ago I sent her a quick hello. Hindsight is 20/ 20 and so I wish I could go back and talk to her to tell her how much I respected her, that I really wanted to get to know her better. But because of a monster and man with no heart and butcher who could choke someone like her to death! I wont go into what he did next but for the first time in along time I am praying for the death penalty for him. I pray for his soul because he does not have one now. He is heinous and a coward!
Debbie you did not deserve this, you wanted to spread joy and make people smile. I pray for your family and friends. I won't say good quote a favorite song:" a friends a friend forever if the Lords the Lord of him and a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end, though its hard to let you go, in the Fathers hands we know, that a lifetime not to long to live as friends"
Go in peace in Puerto Rico, and rest I will see you again.