I was floored when I read of a new off shoot that is combining Islam and Christianity to try to reach the atheist and the non Christians. They say we have so much in common. WHERE??? What does light have with darkness? Salt with sweet? Because the Koran mentions Jesus name? Even the Devil knows his name and shudders. People preach Mohamed right in the same pews where the name of Jesus is preached! What has happened to the body?
This has nothing to do with the body worshiping together, I am not a brother of a unbeliever! A group who flatly denies Jesus being the son of God. Who is told to kill us. I will be very clear, Crislam is of the devil! Jesus said I am the way I am the life NO MAN will come to the Father except thru him! Not Buddah, not Krishna, not Mohammad, not Allah. Only Jesus Christ first born of the father. This breaks my heart, its bad enough that the homosexual agenda is trying to force the people of Christ to accept a abboration to God but now the people of God are selling out to the Muslims. Ten years after 9/11 I see the end of America in sight. Sad not with a bang but with a wimpier.
Mark my words diversity will destroy the church! We the church are not called to be diverse we are called to be separate to be called out of the world and be holy. The diversity I speak of is not skin color or culture but of sin! Homosexual, Wiccan, and what ever else the ACLU wants to force down our throats at the moment.
This has nothing to do with the body worshiping together, I am not a brother of a unbeliever! A group who flatly denies Jesus being the son of God. Who is told to kill us. I will be very clear, Crislam is of the devil! Jesus said I am the way I am the life NO MAN will come to the Father except thru him! Not Buddah, not Krishna, not Mohammad, not Allah. Only Jesus Christ first born of the father. This breaks my heart, its bad enough that the homosexual agenda is trying to force the people of Christ to accept a abboration to God but now the people of God are selling out to the Muslims. Ten years after 9/11 I see the end of America in sight. Sad not with a bang but with a wimpier.
Mark my words diversity will destroy the church! We the church are not called to be diverse we are called to be separate to be called out of the world and be holy. The diversity I speak of is not skin color or culture but of sin! Homosexual, Wiccan, and what ever else the ACLU wants to force down our throats at the moment.