9/11 was a body blow for the US. Almost 3000 people died. We were hurt and angry we wanted to lash out. Yet during this I saw something I never thought I would see. I saw the country come together like I had never seen. Imagine Democrats and Republicans hand in hand singing God bless America, and the pledge of allegiance. For a brief shining moment we were the UNITED STATES. The world supported us. But then, but then.. The election season was on us, the democrats were still stinging from the 2000 elections decided they wanted to win at all cost. Putting party ahead of country. Vilifing a sitting President in time of war. Elected members committing what was very close to treason just to put their person in power. Now it is getting worse we are more divided then ever. I watched the concert for New York tonight and I was so proud, then I came back to reality. I pray that this country would elect person that would place us over their party. For a brief shining moment we had it, and then it was gone.