I was walking through the mall the other day and it struck me that the carols were playing earlier than ever. It reminded me of when I was in Japan and Christmas was a time to sell things no one knew what the Jesus Christ that Christmas was named after was about, well if they knew they did not think about it. It really is clear when you take that plus the Smithsonian exhibit where Jesus covered with ants and all kind of other disgusting things at Christmas time that America has really forgotten about what the day really means. The country is lost, we need to pray and to remind the people that Jesus is the reason for the season that without Jesus we are lost. It is relationship, go out and explain what Christmas is that a poor boy born in a manger would grow up to be the most powerful King EVER and we are his friends and they can be also forever! Jesus is the reason...for the season. God bless and talk to you again soon.
Bishop Jackson Plant
About Me
- Bishop Jackson V. Plant
- Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, Founding Pastor of For This Time Ministries, I am married and minister in Hawaii. God is Good and I am busy.:)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
How do you know you look like Christ untill you look in the mirror.
I am saddened. I see members of the church tell me they can not make church because they are too tired, They will spend all their time with the strangers or their family yet ignore a brother or sister who is in distress and hurting. This week I performed a funeral for a dear friends father. I was quite disappointed when I heard that only a couple of the people of that church took the time to call them. Well one took the time to send a text. Whats up with that? No one is that busy that they cant call, you make time for what you want to do. What happened to love your brother as yourself, lay down your life for another? I heard from family members what said so in so texted asking how she was doing, why not call her? Wake up people realize these are opportunities that God is giving you to reach out and be the body of Jesus to the hurting. What would happen if we took that hour a week and used it to reach the lost, go down to the soup kitchen and donate time, I know there is no money in that. Why should the lost come to us if we look just like them what do we have to offer? Please look in the mirror lets treat brothers and sisters like they are family.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Follow up on Koran burning Pastor
Here is a email that I sent to him today to try to get him to change his mind. I doubt it will work but I have to try before he causes great harm.
Dear Dr. Jones,
I am writing to ask you to stop your plans to burn the Koran. There are many reasons for this but the main ones are:
1. We are a nation of laws, the first amendment to the constitution of the US is freedom of religion. The same one that allows you to preach the gospel. Muslims are allowed to believe what they want and worship how they want and your provocative action will have very serious repercussions and will hurt the cause of Christ in the US for years to come. You will cause Muslims around the world to riot and to take violent acts against innocent Christians and our troops around the world. Their blood will be on YOUR hands Doctor! You are doing nothing but causing trouble and division in this this is NOT Godly nor Christ like!
2. Your freedom of speech does not protect this. You do not have the right to go into a theater and yell fire. That is what you are doing here, you will be insulting millions of Muslims who the vast majority have done nothing to you. It is a insult to them to desecrate the Koran or to talk about Allah or Mohamed. While I disagree with them and I pray for them to follow Jesus I believe in the constitution and allow them the rights we have also. To worship as they see fit and whom they want to. Who are you to take it upon yourself to inflame tensions like this, You are opening yourself to lawsuits for any damages from this. But mostly the harm it will do to Jesus holy name. We are called to turn the other cheek remember or did you not read that part of the bible? How do you feel when they burn our flag? How will you feel when they burn the bible which they will?
3. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, if what I think happens after this you will be remembered alright as a radical nut that gave a major black eye to Jesus!
I pray you come to your senses before you make more of a colossal mistake.
In the name of Jesus Christ
Jackson V. Plant
Bishop Jackson V. Plant
Pastor, For This Time Ministries
Dear Dr. Jones,
I am writing to ask you to stop your plans to burn the Koran. There are many reasons for this but the main ones are:
1. We are a nation of laws, the first amendment to the constitution of the US is freedom of religion. The same one that allows you to preach the gospel. Muslims are allowed to believe what they want and worship how they want and your provocative action will have very serious repercussions and will hurt the cause of Christ in the US for years to come. You will cause Muslims around the world to riot and to take violent acts against innocent Christians and our troops around the world. Their blood will be on YOUR hands Doctor! You are doing nothing but causing trouble and division in this this is NOT Godly nor Christ like!
2. Your freedom of speech does not protect this. You do not have the right to go into a theater and yell fire. That is what you are doing here, you will be insulting millions of Muslims who the vast majority have done nothing to you. It is a insult to them to desecrate the Koran or to talk about Allah or Mohamed. While I disagree with them and I pray for them to follow Jesus I believe in the constitution and allow them the rights we have also. To worship as they see fit and whom they want to. Who are you to take it upon yourself to inflame tensions like this, You are opening yourself to lawsuits for any damages from this. But mostly the harm it will do to Jesus holy name. We are called to turn the other cheek remember or did you not read that part of the bible? How do you feel when they burn our flag? How will you feel when they burn the bible which they will?
3. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, if what I think happens after this you will be remembered alright as a radical nut that gave a major black eye to Jesus!
I pray you come to your senses before you make more of a colossal mistake.
In the name of Jesus Christ
Jackson V. Plant
Bishop Jackson V. Plant
Pastor, For This Time Ministries
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
idot Pastor
Terry Jones Pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida intends to burn the Quran on 9/11, this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! We are a nation of Laws and everyone is free to worship who they want. I am very pro free speech but this jerk needs to be stopped, he is putting our troups in danger for publisity. The Federal Govt needs to declare this a matter of national security and take him in for safe keeping till this blows over. The needs of the many out ways the one. For those who are outraged by what I said how would you feel if it is your child that is killed by terrorist reprisals. Free speech is not absolute. You can not go in a theater and yell fire and he is doing similar.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Where is the cry?
Today another shooting happened. That's 2 in two weeks, the left is crying for taking guns away again already. 12 dead then 7 today, 19 in 2 weeks. For 19 there wanting to ignore the 2nd amendment and take our weapons. Yet in 2 weeks there have been over 52000 people murdered, where is the outrage the wanting to stop this? Oh yes because it's abortions they cant allow that to stop. They have no problems taking away a constitutional right but if you try to stop cold blooded infanticide you cant, that's their right???? I have news that is not a right however gun ownership is and they need to think priorities. If someone had a weapon in the theater this could have been a bad movie plot not life. Funny the theater had a sign not allowing carrying a gun. Hmmmm.
Location:,Kapolei,United States
serve or served?
I have a quandary on my hands. I have been in the church for quite q few years now. I have seen all kinds of Pastors. I have seen some that think the world revolves around them. I have seen some that are complete opposites and you can not do anything for them. I heard about a female minister the other day she flew into a town to preach. This church was not real big but they flew her out and picked her up in a nice car the Pastors no less. Well she had a fit, she refused to ride in it. She told them it had to be a Jag, a Bently, a Benz she would settle for a Escalde. She demanded her armor bearer ride with her just a real pain. Well this got me thinking. Dangerous I know :). Well I believe in giving honor to the Man or Woman of God, but the last I checked Jesus is our example. He said we are to be the servant of all. It seems to me that ministers and Pastors are here to serve and not be served. Jesus washed the feet of his desciples I bet that lady would have a fit. Well I decided that I will not ask for special items, like I will not look for and ask for a armor bearer. If a person feels that he should I will not stop that but I refuse to cheapen the gospel by putting demands on people, I can carry my own bible and computer. I can get my own water. Jesus who was king of kings and Lord of Lords first born of the most Holy God was the servant of all, that is what I strive to be. But that is my view and I know people will probably disagree. God bless.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A long road.
27 years is a long time. Hard to believe that when starts you on a journey it can take along time to see where you are going. In 1983 God called me into the ministry, I started to walk the walk now in 2010 I am still walking it. No end that I can see in sight. I have a expectation that things are changing now. A little at first then more then before you know it you can stop saying are we there yet and you are.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
New season
I can not believe it, May of 2001 I was appointed as a Exhorter. I had a person come to me a few months prior tell me that I would be a Bishop. I had no idea what that was. Ever since I prayed and studied and now, well tomorrow to be exact I am being Ordained as a Bishop. It has been official since the 2nd of Feb but I waited till now to officially mention it. I was asked to speak for a friend and I share the stage with 2 other and then it hit me. This is for real. This is more than a title or rank it is responsibility. I pray that I can live up to it. God bless
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
How close
Sitting here watching the tv I see that today a earthquake was felt in Chicago. Over the last few weeks we have seen Haiti, California, other areas. We have 50 inches of snow, flooding down south. What is happening, Iran saber rattling. Jesus said that there will come a time where the people will be so scared that their hearts will stop for fear. But he also said look up your redemption drawn near. We are very close but there is still a little time left so lets try to take as many to heaven with us.
God bless
Bishop Jackson Plant
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